Didn't you just love getting real mail when you were a kid?
And don't you just buy stuff online specifically for the thrill of getting real mail as an adult?
Okay, maybe that's just me, but yesterday I got the realest of real mail, from Binnie, who Shouldn't Have (and I'm thrilled that she did) knit me a neckwarmer that I couldn't resist trying on as a hat.
Can you believe:
a/it matches my new hat that doesn't match my mitts and
b/also, oddly enough, matches my mitts and
c/is made with some very fine Fleece Artist yarn and
d/gave me a great idea for another hat to knit?
Well, believe it baby. And thanks again, Binnie!
You're welcome! I, too, love REAL mail, and lament its rarity these days.
PS No-one wears a neckwarmer like you do...
A surprise present is always the best! Hurrah for Binnie, and lucky you!
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