Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Photos from the Chinese stamp book

Kathi asked whether I still have the Chinese stamp book I described in yesterday's post. Of course I do! Along with many other cute things my brother gave me, like the wooden monkey I may share pictures of some day when I am fresh out of scintillating prose. Meanwhile, if you want to see anything more closely, just click on it.

Here is the cover:

And here are some overexposed cuddly panda stamps from the inside:

Here are the athletes performing feats of athletic prowess:

And here are some buildings. I have always liked houses and this page got filled up all the way, as you can see:

I also liked these dancers:

And these landscape-y scenes:

I did not like this trio of stamps as much, but I couldn't take my eyes off it either:

There were more that didn't make it into either of my stamp books before I lost interest (believe it or not, the one at the top, with merging circles on a blue background just left of centre there, is a U.S. stamp commemorating Collective Bargaining):

And still more that never made it off their paper backings:

But to return to my point, take a look at Chinese stamps from the early 70s versus Canadian ones from the same period. No contest, folks!

1 comment:

Kathleen Taylor said...

I love love love them. They almost make me want to collect stamps (which is one of the few hobbies I haven't found time to obsess over).